Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 27: How To MAGA? Start With Snowboarders & Skiers In Silverthorne, Colorado



Anybody that knows me well enough understands that skiing is one of my passions in life. It isn't just because I am an adrenaline junkie (which I am) but more because it is the only sport that gives me the ability to push myself beyond my comfort zone and whether I succeed or bite it hard, I grow exponentially as a person.Snow sports is a unique sport that you have to embrace failing as a necessary part of getting better. If you are afraid of failure, then you will never do anything to push yourself and will never learn what you need to learn to get better. It is something so pure and so simple but something any snowboarder or skier will tell you you must learn how to be okay with. This dynamic is very personal to me because I hear in my office every day a generation of children who are so scared of failing that they will avoid doing anything that might give them a chance of failure.I don't know about you, but in the world that I live in it is impossible to grow as a human being and get ahead in life if you a