Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 34: What's The Truth Behind School Shootings In America?



It seems like every time there is a school shooting, the country turns on itself and begins arguing about gun control, crisis actors, statistics about whether they really are getting worse, etc. As a counselor but more importantly as a parent, these shootings scare the crap out of me. But I think what scares me equally as much is the fact that we can't talk about this as a country without it becoming a fight and in the process we dehumanize the victims and never get anywhere near a solution. I mean, how can we find a solution if we can't even agree if the shooting happened to begin with? Its crazy but that is where we are at and I for one am not going to sit back and not try to do something to change the discussion about school shootings. So for the latest installment of Gray Matters, we attempt to change the discussion and focus on what it feels like as a parent right now with all of these incidents and attempt to understand whether shootings are perhaps the symptoms of a greater problem with society itself.