Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 37: Millennials in America: Pains In The A$*, Future of America, Or Both?



I know I am guilty of it but in case you haven't been paying attention, Millennials are everyone's favorite punching bag. By simply asking people what their opinions of Millennials are and you will get many negative answers ranging from entitled, impatient, emotional, sensitive, unrealistic, etc. But what is interesting is that while people acknowledge the negatives first, they will also end that they really are that smart and their grasp of technology is second to none.The truth is that Millennials are a pain in the ass but they are also really intelligent and the future of this country. Just like they have no choice but to adapt to the real world, we have to adapt to them and try to figure out how to develop them and bring out all of their strengths. Who cares who is to blame for them being the way that they are, all I care about is when its time to turn the country over to them....they are ready.Joining me in the studio as always is the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep my ego in check and keep me firmly