Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 44: The Epstein "Suicide" & The Clinton Body Count. Is A Serial Killer Among Us?



We dive into the Epstein "Suicide" and legitimately ask the question of WTF is going on and whether the Clinton Body is a real. Do we have a serial killer among us or are rich politicians and the donor class getting us to chase our tail again to distract us from looking at all of them?We also explore Mayor Pete's theory that mass shootings and polarization in general is the cause of displaced anger from Americans knowing our government is bought off by rich donors and corporations to only serve them at the expense of the country. What kind of people could knowingly do this? Is it narcissism, sociopathy, or just social psychology and group mentality at work? Joining us is our good friend Big B from Cave Crew Radio who just happens to study sociopathy and serial killers as a hobby. We are recording tonight so look for Episode 44 tomorrow morning for your commute to work! As always...when someone asks if you are a Democrat or a Republican say Fuck that Noise ...My Ass Is Gray! Join us and all the 614 Radio podca