Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 53: Is The Joker Movie A Prediction About Our Future?



While watching The Joker this weekend, I couldn't help but notice the not so subtle message that director Todd Phillips was trying to send about the long term effects of runaway greed and wealth disparity in our country. Perhaps even more sobering is the recent economic data showing that the income gap between the wealthiest 1% and the poorest 50% has grown to its highest level ever. So we have to ask ourselves, with our country more divided than ever, more militant than ever, and more toxic than ever, how much more can society take before something happens? Our own economic correspondent Richard "The Professor" DeVine joins us in the studio to help us understand the economic picture of wealth/income disparity and explains how similar circumstances were the catalyst for the French Revolution as well as the rise of communist regimes in Russia and Germany. Should we be worried? Could a sociopath be the spark that starts a civil war between the wealthy and the poor? Who knows but it was enough to scare the crap