Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 57: A Veteran's Advice On How To Observe Veteran's Day



What is the proper way to celebrate Veteran's Day? It is a question that I think many of us have never really asked ourselves. On the surface we will give the answer of telling a soldier that we thank them for their service but is that really enough to honor their service and sacrifice?That is why for this very special episode of Gray Matters we invited The Professor Richard DeVine back into the studio. Richard is a Vietnam veteran who lucky for us is not short on opinions and sharing them with the world. According to The Professor, Veteran's Day should be more than just saying thank you but rather acting in ways that show their sacrifice wasn't for nothing. With American's fighting each other over the dumbest of things such as a Popeye's chicken sandwich, many Veterans are asking themselves whether people really appreciate the sacrifices they made. Their logic being if they really did, they wouldn't be fighting over trivial things and surely our politicians wouldn't be running our government and country into