Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 61: Is The Country Ready For A Gay President?



With Mayor Pete becoming a legitimate candidate for president, I find it interesting that we do not hear the candidate and the media discussing whether America is ready for a gay president in the same manner they spoke about the country being ready for a black president in 2008. Why do I think this is something that needs to be talked about? In 2008 shortly before the election, 76% of people polled said that the country was ready for a black president. Up a full 16% from the same poll conducted in 2006. So what do people think about America being ready for a gay president in 2019? Only 50% of people polled said that they felt the country was ready for a gay president. Does Mayor Pete have a problem here? If the country was barely ready in 2008 when 76% of the country said we were ready for a black president, how difficult will it be for Mayor Pete at 50% Will his numbers continue to rise as the country gets to know him or does he need to address the issue head on?Join us for the latest episode as we discuss t