Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 62: Fixing Education One Classroom At A Time W/Special Guest Kevin Stoller



Why in the hell does it seem like critical thinking is in such short supply these days? Maybe it has something to do with our schools reinforcing standardized tests & memorization rather than the process in which you came to the right answer.If only schools did the opposite then we maybe our country would not be as polarized as it currently is and perhaps we could sniff out BS easier. According to our guest Kevin Stoller, Founder and CEO of Kay Through Twelve educational consultants, schools are already changing how they teach and its happening faster than he ever believed. I know, funny having a guest for once that attempts to make Mike feel optimistic about the future but we can't be all doom and gloom right?So join us as we discuss how k-12 education is failing students by overemphasizing college as the destination and the key to saving America is to Make America Think Again.As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio