Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 63: Christmas Special "Will The Real Mike Bloomberg Please Stand-Up"



Merry ChristmaHannahQwanza Everyone! Well everyone but the ArmchairQB who decided to abandon us for his "Real Family" for the holiday. But have no fears, our good friends at Cave Crew Radio loaned us out Big B for the night as guest co-host....thanks guys!So what do we have in store for our listeners this Christmas Eve? We have a delightful debate about whether A Christmas Story is overrated, debating the merits of Diehard being a Christmas movie & if so should Lethal Weapon & Trading Places be added to that list, and we also take advantage of having a New Yorker in the studio and dive into who the real Mike Bloomberg is and what he is really up to running for president. Here is a hint, Big B doesn't think he is really trying to run for president. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform