Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 68: Should We Be Worried About The Corona Virus Outbreak? With Special Guest Researcher Dan Evans



What does a house party and a corona virus have in common? According to infectious disease researcher and University of Pittsburgh graduate student Dan Evans, once the party has started the only thing you can do is mitigate the damage. In case you haven't been paying attention, there has been an outbreak of a new virus in China that has spread rather quickly and has sparked concerns that it might turn into a global pandemic. We are all about a great virus/plague movie but when the plot line of a movie begins to mimic what is happening in reality it can get scary very quickly. So what exactly is this new corona virus? Should we be worried about it? Is there anything we can be doing to keep ourselves safe? Is the fly seemingly getting more severe and if so what role if any does climate change play in it?To help us answer these questions we are joined by our good friend Dan Evans who is a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh studying infectious diseases. Instead of reading the hype lets go straight t