Prison Professors With Michael Santos

127: Earning Freedom (7.2), by Michael Santos



I’m continuing to read from my book Earning Freedom: Conquering a 45-Year Prison Term. This is the second installment of chapter 7, covering months 93 through 95 of my confinement, in 1995. *  *  *  *  *  *  * In search of the associate warden, I walk to the chow hall during the noon meal and I see Nuss standing in line, looking like the Grim Reaper. Knowing that he can influence my transfer to low-security, I approach him. “I spent the weekend reading through the Custody and Classification manual,” I tell him. “According to the formula in the policy statement, I calculate that I should be in a low-, not a medium-security prison. When my case manager comes in I’ll see what he thinks. If I’ve got a low-security rating, would you support my transfer?” “Don’t you have 45 years?” “Yes. But I’ve done eight years without any problems or disciplinary infractions.” “But you led a criminal organization.” His knowledge of my case makes me wonder what he has against me. “I don’t have a history of violence or weapons, an