Love Via Hashem

How to Find the One? - Interview with Zara



There's plenty of ways people talk about for winning in the "game" of finding your beshert (the one aka soulmate). To put it simply, after consistently using the tools of the web (for example: Coffee Meets Bagel) you need to KNOW yourself. Looking inwardly, the introspective intelligence, puts you on the path of self-understanding. What are your values? With whom do you get along with? What future do you dream of? Do you see kids? (intellectual category)  Do you see a partner who goes snowboarding with you? Or, maybe you just want a chill-on-the-couch partner? (emotional category)   PIE - Physical, Intellectual, and Emotional.  -- Physical is the easiest, but can be the most superficial (gotta have someone with strong arms right?)  -- Emotional, medium in difficulty, and you may not want to compromise. (like a partner who likes to surf like you do :)  -- Intellectual, hardest to determine, and you definitely don't want to compromise. (like whether you want to have kids together)