Love Via Hashem

S02 E01 - Give 100/100 (not 50/50 in your Relationship)



Welcome to Season 2 of Love via HaShem! This is the first episode of this season - S02E01 . I'm happily joined by my awesome wife Zara, and together we're hoping to bring you more content to boost your knowledge and understanding vis-a-vis love and relationships! So, what’s this 100/100 business about? Well, over the years, we’ve heard and seen quite a few examples where couples would go for a state of equality - known as 50/50. This episode explains why that is difficult, and mostly not the way to go for relationships, even though it sounds like a very fair option. To oversimplify - 50/50 starts to become troublesome for a couple to maintain because it assumes perfect conditions where each person has the ability, time, or other resources in place to make their part of the deal work. You can see where this can be headed -- to a state of inflexibility. I handle the counter - you clean the floor. So, what happens if the baby is crying and you can’t do the floor in a timely manner? Well, under the 50/50 idea - t