Eros Evolution

Lady, I Will Touch You with My Mind



Lady, I Will Touch You with My MindAir Date: Monday, 18 April 2022 at 8:00 PM ET/5:00 PM PTTuesday, 19 April 2022 at 9:00 AM SingaporeWatch the Livestream on the OMTimes Magazine Facebook, OMTimes Radio & TV Facebook, or OMTimesTV YoutubeAs Hollywood rom-com has it, writing love poetry to your beloved is an aphrodisiac. Err no. Not in Felix Cheong’s experience. The award-winning writer of 22 books has penned dozens of love poems to friends and wives (yes, plural). A few poems were even featured in Love Poetry (2004), a telemovie starring Janice Koh and Keegan Kang. But none of them has managed to woo and win a woman.In this chat, Felix will take a stab at Hollywood stereotypes about writers. He will also open up about how his afternoon trips to a strip club in Brisbane had raised his writing (only the writing, nothing else) to a new height.Profile:Felix Cheong is the author of 22 books across different genres, from poetry to graphic novels, from short stories to non-fiction. His latest book is a young adu