Evidence-based Eating

EBE 1 - Antibiotics in Animal Agriculture



Just how much antibiotics are fed to farm animals in the United States? Today we tackle the myths and the realities. Important sources I used for this show data: 2017 FDA Antibiotic Use Report - https://bit.ly/2S6SK57Information on the USDA antibiotic residue testing program - https://bit.ly/2DlJsO5My home-made spreadsheet to compare weight with antibiotic use - https://bit.ly/2QYciYdThis episode is produced by Marissa Alexa McCool and our audio engineer is Callie Wright. Thank you to my patrons who have made this possible; to support the show go to patreon.com/evbasedeating . I welcome constructive feedback. I'd love to continue this conversation via email (evbasedeating@gmail.com), Facebook (friend me, Dell Onnerth), or on the Facebook page for the show facebook.com/evbasedeating .