The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

481: Emotional Fitness For Leaders (Part One)



Dr. Emily Anhalt is an American psychologist who has created a gym for mental health, based on research she did with 100 leaders and 100 psychologists who were treating leaders.  She identified seven factors which measure how “fit” we are in this sphere of mental health.  Does any modern leader believe things are going to ease off and leading will become less stressful and more relaxed?  I certainly don’t.  The problem is many of us grew up in the era of harden up, “soldier on” with strife and troubles, suck it up, grit your teeth and bear it.  That era’s level of technology, speed of business, global matrix connectivity was far removed from the complexity we all face today.  We need to be as fit mentally, as we all strive to become physically.  Let’s take a look at the good Doctor’s suggestions.   Learn your emotional triggers and biases This is familiar territory for me because I teach a course called Disagree Agreeably and this is where we look for what we call “Hot Buttons” or triggers that get the temp