Happiness Hacks

Practicing Self-Loyalty in the New Year - Part 2



The beginning of any new year often hyperactivates our “Shoulds.” I should lose weight.I should start meditating more.I should be kinder to myself.I should put myself out there more.I should, I should, I should.I am no stranger to the Shoulds that my Monger promotes every new year. Like clockwork, those shoulds and New Year, New Me attitudes drift away. My Monger always has a heyday with this—convincing me that I was failing.But the concept of self-loyalty—the notion that true change comes only when we’re loyal to ourselves first—is what changed the game for me… for the better.In part one of this series on self-loyalty, I talked with my friend and podcast producer, Sean McMullin. We defined self-loyalty and how to bring self-loyalty to the center of your life as you make plans for change in the new year. If you haven’t listened to part one yet, I recommend that you do before jumping into this one.Today, I’m continuing my conversation with Sean, going deeper into change, resolutions, and plans for the new year