Come Heal Yourself

What is Ascension?



Aired Tuesday, 31 March 2015, 11:00 AM ETAscended Master is a being who has become Self-Realized. They are spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a process of spiritual transformation. Their souls passed through many lives working through karma, passing tests and fulfilling their unique reasons for being.The wisdom that the masters pass on to us comes directly from God because they have attained union with God through the ascension. There are thousands of Ascended Masters who have walked this earth. They protect and guide us, bringing peace on earth.The Angels are the purest energy source bringing the power of God to us and through us as healer and healee. Angels are available to all who call on them for support, comfort, wisdom, healing, or assistance.We are able to bring forth this knowledge through those Ascended Masters and Angels who have raised their consciousness high enough to accept these teachings.About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certi