Comics With Kenobi

Comics With Kenobi #10



This time it's really issue 10 and we're three-fifths of the way through Chewbacca and seeing some solid character development for our favorite walking carpet and learning even more about some of our favorite characters and how they deal with adversity.Meanwhile, in the pages of Darth Vader #12, friendships are forged -- as much as anyone can call a Dark Lord of the Sith "friend" -- and hosts Matt Moore and Jeff McGee are starting to warm on Inspector Thanoth (his ISB security handle should be "Weird Beard.") The so-called Intergalactic Evil Legion of Palpatine Minions? Eh, jury is still out on that band of ne'er do-wells.And finally, in Star Wars #11, we're hooked. From the Gladiator-inspired fight scenes to the rancor-esque beast that Luke must face down to C-3P0's comic relief AND Dengar. There's also a resolution, sort of, to the Han and Sana Solo matrimonial are-they-or-are-they-not conundrum, the effects of which are sure to be felt for several more issues.Finally, we enjoyed giving away a digital copy