Comics With Kenobi

Comics With Kenobi #13



After a holiday break -- and a momentous distraction at the cinema -- the Star Wars stories in Marvel's comics are calling to us again and are they ever loud! (Have you felt it?)From the conclusion to the best-selling Vader Down crossover to further exploration of a young Caleb Dume's performance as a padawan in the Clone Wars to finding out what, exactly, happened to that medal Chewbacca got for helping to destroy the Death Star, the most recent batch of comics carries the Saga's undercurrents forward and, co-hosts Jeff McGee and Mat Moore theorize, into The Force Awakens.We also examine the decision to cancel Kanan may mean and ponder what could replace it. Then there's the Star Wars effect on 2015's comic sales that saw four Star Wars comics rank among the top 20-selling books for the year.