Comics With Kenobi

Comics With Kenobi #55 -- A Weird World for Doctor Aphra



There's a soap-opera style appeal to the latest issue of Doctor Aphra, the lone Marvel Star Wars comic that Jeff McGee and Matt Moore sat down to discuss in detail in this episode.Also in the fray with issue 18?Weird but wonderful horror and bio-warfare experiments never seen before.As for news? Jaxxon's back in canon and he's bringing Amaiza with him! While we were aware the Lepi's return was imminent, writer Cavan Scott shed a great deal more light about the character bouncing back into the Star Wars firmament. He, artist Mauricet and colorist Chris Fenoglio have written backup story to Star Wars Adventures Annual 1, which is out April 18.Want a copy?Head to your local comics shop and give them pre-order code FEB180374.The new Star Wars comics out this week include:_ Star Wars #46_ Star Wars Vol. 7 TPB_ Star Wars: A New Hope -- 40th Anniversary Hardcover Collection