Comics With Kenobi

Comics With Kenobi #71 -- Woe Is Poe, Han's Got Flow and Vader's Gonna Blow



The woes of Poe are compounded by Black Squadron's inability to rally allies to the cause in this, their most desperate hour in the pages of Poe Dameron #29, while Han Solo proves his mettle, skill and pluck as the best pilot in the Galaxy in Star Wars #51 in what portends to be a head-to-head duel with Darth Vader.Finally, in the pages of Darth Vader Annual #2, writer Chuck Wendig weaves associated elements of Star Wars lore from film and the printed page to tell an engaging, if not spirited, whodunit that further cements the oddly balanced relationship and mutual non-aggression pact that is Wilhuff Tarkin and the Dark Lord of the Sith.This week's Star Wars comics include:Doctor Aphra #22Lando: Double or Nothing #3Star Wars Adventures #12A Star Wars Comic #16Stay in touch and up to date by following us on Twitter and Facebook.Like what you hear? Go to iTunes and leave us a rating and review. Subscribe to all of the Coffee With Kenobi network podcasts, including Lattes With Leia, Legends Library, Looking for