Comics With Kenobi

Comics With Kenobi #72 -- Bors, Spores and So Much More



We're so deep in smit with Doctor Aphra right now it's not even funny. The latest issue, #22, found Jeff and Matt enjoying the rollicking tale, despite the awkwardness of having not one but two lovers show up! The same with Lando: Double or Nothing #3, which is proving to be a worthwhile addition to Lando's long history and is required reading.Did we mention that the latest A Star Wars Comic hit us in the feels? Listen to find out why as we discuss Jim Mello and Alex Ray's latest creation and wonder aloud why these two aren't writing and drawing Star Wars comics for Marvel or IDW. (Seriously, c'mon. Give 'em a book. Now.)We also dive deep into the Star Wars comics news at SDCC.This week's Star Wars comics include:The Last Jedi adaptation #5Star Wars #52Stay in touch and up to date by following us on Twitter and Facebook.Like what you hear? Go to iTunes and leave us a rating and review. Subscribe to all of the Coffee With Kenobi network podcasts, including Lattes With Leia, Legends Library, Looking for Lucasfi