Comics With Kenobi

Comics With Kenobi #94 -- Beat the Devil's Tattoo



A trifecta of Star Wars comics from Marvel's provided an assortent of achievements, and setbacks, for some characters and concepts, yet still advanced the medium of comics as one that is hand-in-glove to television and the cinema, too.The Star Wars: Age of Republic -- Darth Maul one shot was a master class in how this series is focusing on a specific character and expanding our knowledge but, more importantly, advancing a prequel trilogy-era villain's story.In Han Solo -- Imperial Cadet #2, we're quite satisfied with how this book is building on what was just a casual mention in the Solo: A Star Wars Story film, adding some detailed resonance that's important in the Han Solo mythology.Meanwhile, in Doctor Aphra #27, Simon Spurrier (we don't call him Si anymore) is having far too much fun with the character, the series and Star Wars, all to our benefit.This week's Star Wars comics include:Darth Vader #25Solo: A Star Wars Story Adaptation #3Star Wars Adventures #16Stay in touch and up to date by following us on