Comics With Kenobi

Comics With Kenobi #98 -- Dual of the Fated



From the satisfying conclusion to IDW Publishing's third and final issue of Star Wars Adventures -- Destroyer Down #3 to the in-depth father-and-son dynamic in Star Wars: Age of Republic -- Jango Fett #1 to a somewhat unexpected, yet utterly satisfying, return of an Imperial villian in Star Wars #59, Jeff and Matt are impressed, to a point, with the comics released on Jan. 9 from Marvel and IDW.Besides the comics discussion, we're also waxing rhapsodic on when and how the monthly Star Wars title should tackle events between those seen in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi (Bothans, everybody, Bothans.), as well as saying goodbye, prematurely, to writer Kieron Gillen's run.This week's Star Wars comics, out Jan. 16, include:Star Wars: Age of Republic -- Special #1Star Wars: Age of Republic -- Qui-Gon Jinn Adventures -- Destroyer Down #1 (Second Printing)Stay in touch and up to date by following us on Twitter and Facebook.Like what you hear? Go to iTunes and leave us a rating and review. Subscribe to