Comics With Kenobi

Comics With Kenobi #133 -- The End Has No End



Marvel's November solicits for Star Wars comics stated, matter of factly, that issue #75 is "The Final Issue" for the flagship monthly series that debuted in 2015 and has been a consistently solid seller.While the publisher offered no explanation, it did tell us to "... stay tuned for more info to come next month!" This, seemingly, means a relaunch is likely but, as to whether it will focus on The Empire Strikes Back era, Sequel Trilogy or something else is, for now, a tightly held secret.Still, we've got some thoughts about what this portends, when a relaunch could begin and what it may mean for readers and collectors. We also look at the trajectory for Doctor Aphra that was set forth in the same solicits and ponder that monthly title's fate, too.