Comics With Kenobi

Comics With Kenobi #138 -- Somewhere I Belong



Chewbacca got his hug, Rey carried a new burden, Leia was stalwart, Rose and Paige found their purpose and Aphra found her secret weapon.The stories that unfolded in Age of Resistance -- Rey #1, Doctor Aphra #36 and Age of Resistance -- Rose Tico #1 were brimming with character development -- some multiple issues in the offing and others just waiting to be told -- that heralded next-level steps in Star Wars comics storytelling.As for news, we break down December's solicits and what the effective end of Star Wars comics' first phase portends for 2020, marvel at the animation by John Stratman in his 16-bit adaptation of the Vader Down one-shot and discuss Will Sliney's selection as artist for the upcoming The Rise of Kylo Ren mini series.This week’s Star Wars comics out Sept. 25 include:_ Target Vader #3_ Star Wars: Age of Resistance -- Kylo Ren #1_ Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order -- Dark Temple #2_ Star Wars Adventures #26