Comics With Kenobi

Comics With Kenobi #145 -- The Queen and the Soldier



It's an origin story enveloped within a love story that's cradled in a revenge story. Such is Doctor Aphra Annual #3, a gem of a book that gives a bit more detail about Nokk, Winloss and Aphra's newfound ... respectability? We're also bidding farewell to the weekly series Star Wars -- Allegiance and Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle, as both conclude their ... dare we say it? ... epic runs.The former formed a solid foundation of backstory ahead of December's release of The Rise of Skywalker, while the latter satisfyingly and consistently delivered great stories that twisted suspense, intrigue and, yes, a dash of comedy, too.Star Wars comics out this week (Nov. 6), include:_ Doctor Aphra #38. (Yep, that's it.)