Polski Daily For Beginners

Real Talks with Poles 14: Z Eweliną o serialach



In this episode of Real Talks with Poles I talk to Ewelina about:- "The office"- personality of characters in this show- differences between American and British humorRead the beginning of transcript below and/or download full transcript from https://www.polskidaily.eu/course/rzp14Cześc i czołem kluski z rosołem! Welcome to Polski Daily Stories and Talks. If you are listening to this podcast for the first time, let me tell you quickly what are Real Talks with Poles and how you can learn with them. Every two weeks I publish a short conversation with a Polish person. My guests are not prepared and do not know the topic. They speak spontaneously. After we record, I write the transcript and exercises and record an analyzes of key phrases and constructions which can be interesting for you. To make the learning more efficient, download the podcast and exercises from my website www.polskidaily.eu You can find the link to this episode in the show notes! In today’s conversation with Ewelina we talk about British and A