Darren Carter - Pocket Party

EP: #54 Never Too Late To Wrestle! Comedian Brian Swinehart



Twenty years after barely graduating high school, dropping out of college, getting divorced and living what feels like two decades of failure.... Comedian Brian Swinehart returned to his hometown and entered a WRESTLING CONTEST! Great episode and very motivational and funny. Let's stop keeping this show a secret! lol We now a Facebook group. Seach Pocket Party Podcast on FB and join the party! Wanna buy me a cup of coffee? Share the link and give a smile. Wanna throw some love to the show and support what we do??? It's easy:  Just hit that donate button!  http://www.darrencarter.com/support-the-show/  Instagram: https://instagram.com/OfficialDarrenCarter  https://www.youtube.com/user/darrencarter We now a Facebook group. Seach Darren Carter Pocket Party  on FB and join the party!  Check http://www.darrencarter.com for shows  I have FOUR Live Comedy Albums on iTunes and Amazon and always appreciate your support. Great laughs and you're giving back with every purchase. I want to thank you for subscribing and sh