Politicking With Po

Naiym "WOLF" Dingle discusses new relationship book "Cheating Is Not Cheating."



Naiym "Wolf" Dingle is a twenty-seven-year-old entrepreneur and author of the relationship book "Cheating Is Not Cheating."  The book has garnered much  attention since its release in April on Amazon, instantly obtaining a 5 star rating.  Wolf breaks down the nature of dating and focuses on understanding it.   The author believes if we take the time to better understand ourselves, we  better understand the opposite sex. "Understanding is the solution to everything  and the cure for ignorance."  Wolf's energy and ability to see both sides of  situations have been key in helping young entrepreneurs start businesses,  existing companies expand their brands & artists expand their fan base.    Through motivational videos and the release of "Cheating Is Not Cheating" Wolf  paves a way to success for his followers.  Yes, relationships are very personal  and we are all very different, but, not in all ways.  Wolf delves into what