Angel Talk Tuesday

Partners with Possibilities



Aired Tuesday, 1 August 2017, 10:00 AM ET Partners with Possibilities In our day and age it’s easy to throw away relationships at the first speed bump. People don’t have the commitment and tenacity of days gone by. That can be a good thing but it can also be a bad thing because giving up too soon can lead to a string of broken relationships and unhappy experiences. How do you know if there is still hope for your relationship, if it’s worth staying to work it out or if it’s best to walk away and start over? Join the Psychic Angel Channelers this week as they channel inspiration and insights into romance and relationships. We always give away 1 FREE psychic reading during the show so stop by and say HI at 202.570.7057, and don’t forget to join us on FB at Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom for our favorite quotes from the show.