Circle Of Hearts

Heart to Soul Talks with Charlie Riverman



Aired Sunday, 21 June 2015, 2:00 PM ETIn the Circle Of Hearts Radio this week, Grandmother Allayah welcomes Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron, a self-described Earthangel and a Near Death Experiencer, an event which changed the course of his life. Allayah and Charlie will share their Wisdom and insights from the heart, discussing the understanding of Soul experiences, healing and everything Spiritual.About Guest Charlie ‘Riverman’ BergeronFrom early childhood, Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron was aware of Spirit Energy, a facet of himself which dismayed others in his tribe. In order to survive, he adopted earthly human programming, and “created many different egos” in which he “could play the games that the programming required”, some of which are still required for functioning in the physical world. After a motorcycle accident in 1991 resulted in death – or, more commonly, a ‘Near Death Experience’ (NDE) – however, Charlie was returned to the light, to Source, and thus experienced a realignment.The NDE initiated a dram