Circle Of Hearts

Spiritual Awakening Journey with the Dragons



Aired Sunday, 9 August 2015, 2:00 PM ETAllayah has the pleasure of bring you a special soul, Essence Ka tha’ras. Her sacred soul contract is to help others thru the awakening process by sharing the knowledge of her multidimensional self. Today’s show again will be a spontaneous spirit dialogue on various subjects starting with Dragon energy. A often misunderstood subject, and their role in earth guardianship.About Guest Essence Ka tha’rasIn late 1999 she began to consciously connect and communicate with other Aspects of Self. Today, she has fully integrated many Multi-Dimensional Aspects of Self, and her spiritual work continues to call her to meet, assimilate, and integrate new Aspects of Self into her daily life.Her Sacred Contractual work has called her into service as an Agent of Communication and Energy Conduit for Etheric BE-ings of Shambahalla, New Earth, and many other Multi-Dimensional Realms and Realities where she does several different types of energy work including, Energy Readings and Alignments