Circle Of Hearts

Crystal Skull Caretakers



Aired Sunday, 18 October 2015, 2:00 PM ETI will add further info about the crystal skulls. What they are and what they are not. Secondly, the soul decision of being a caretaker. A act of service, earth guardianship. If we are lucky we may be joined by a surprise guest. A well known caretaker of a famous ancient skull–if her schedule permits.About Allayah Frisch“I AM Allayah, higher-dimensional self, but merged and integrated with my current human self. I AM neither, and yet I AM both. I AM a Seeker of knowledge and I AM on a path of Remembering.”Allayah Frisch’s clairvoyant and mediumship skills were evident when she entered this incarnation. Her childhood was one of seeing energies and entities not visible to others. At a very young age, she remembered her ability to heal. For a while, though, she had to shut down in order to blend in with others. In her twenties, she had a spiritual reawakening and Kundalini experience. She experienced multidimensionality and visually became aware of the Ascended Masters of