Wait What Really Ok With Loren Weisman

Mary Poppins Messaging and Practically Perfect Perceptions



Mary Poppins Messaging and Practically Perfect Perceptions is the topic and touch point for S8 E01 #124 of Wait What Really OK.By keeping your intended messaging personal, humble and professional when it comes to the perception elements, it will not make your message clear to everyone, but you will have a better chance to engage that many more with a greater understanding. All too often, many of us are focused on our intention but we miss the mark when it comes to the perception of that messaging. It is not about creating a narrative that everyone will understand, because that is impossible. Still, to adjust a narrative to consider the comparative, competitive, compliant, connotation as well as the oversaturated, and over used words, we can dial in something that can reach more. So, in short, messaging that is practically perfect in every way when it comes to perception, but by no means, everyone. It will neglect some, but worlds less. “By keeping your intended messaging personal, humble and professional when