Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

The Maestro MONOLOGUE with Rob White



In this power-hour of Aging GreatFULLy enlightYOUment, you will discover that you were born a virtuoso—The Maestro—able to orchestrate your dreams into remarkable expressions. We welcome Rob White, a dynamic philosopher and international best-selling author of The Maestro Monologue: Discover Your Genius, Defeat Your Intruder, Design Your Destiny. Rob has been helping others accurately understand themselves and their remarkable resources for over thirty years and has been exploring the incalculable nature of what it means to be a human being. Combining knowledge with his vast experiences, he has reworked his realizations, spiritual insights and wisdom with sound, practical advice to overcome emotional barriers, replace negative thinking with a positive mindset, and align with your authentic self. Rob perceptively and provocatively shares how to Defeat your intruder, the unwanted houseguest hijacking your potential, and how your Miss-Understandings have shaped your self-worth and how to break free. Rob encou