Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

A Holley Jolly Fun-Filled Christmas with Santa!



Join us for a Holley Jolly Fun-Filled Christmas with Santa Claus but don't take us too serious because we're not, even if we try! Santa Claus, joins the Aging GreatFULLy show to tell us how things really are behind the scenes at the North Pole. But be forewarned, it's not a show for the young boys and girls because Santa, aka, my brother, Del Kelley, talks about liquored-up reindeer, what really happens at the Kringle Mingle, and some other surprises I didn't see coming! You'll be able to tell it was hard to keep my composure throughout a lot of this dialogue because my brother -- I mean Santa -- has that effect on me. It's a good thing that laughter is the best medicine!With the year we've had, the challenges we often face, struggles life can throw our way, I hope this episode allows you to get lost in some imaginative Christmas fun and lose yourself in a laugh or two. This episode is meant to entertain; I acknowledge that my jokes are bad but my hopes are to simply take your mind off of things and bring s