Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Claiming Your TGIToday with Brianne Ligori



We love to celebrate TGIF but what if we could celebrate everyday like FriYAY? Today’s guest, Brianne Ligori, has an invitation for everyone and it’s one I believe we’ll all be accepting her RSVP for – that is – Claiming Your TGIToday!It’s easy to ruminate in the bygones of yesterday and ponder future aspirations yet to be realized, all the while overlooking the gift of the present moments right before us. Brianne, a certified coach, entrepreneur, and co-founder of the Leader Coach Intensive, a coach certification program specifically targeted to developing leaders of the future, is the author of Claiming Your TGITODAY: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Joy Today Instead of Waiting for Tomorrow. As someone who lives and leads from the heart, Brianne believes that everyone can and should live a life of purpose and joy, infinite possibilities and relentless pursuit of purpose! Brianne sets an inspiring example by standing firmly for living according to her inner truth. Choosing joy, she bravely set aside her dazz