Human Resources For Small Business

Navigating the Burnout Epidemic with Jennifer Moss



Burnout has always been an issue, but with the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, chronic stress has stepped into the forefront of the conversation about mental and physical wellness. In this episode, guest Jennifer Moss, author of The Burnout Epidemic, talks about the importance of recognizing and destigmatizing the chronic stress — worsened by the pandemic — so that we can find peace and productivity in the workplace.   TAKEAWAYS The World Health Organization has identified “burnout” as “institutional stress left unmanaged.” Employees who are experiencing burnout often feel stigmatized, so they don't speak up. During the pandemic, employees were still supposed to hit pre-COVID goals while also working toward stretch goals — this combination was a massive, unidentified chronic stressor. A Microsoft Trends report found that much of the global workforce was resigning due to workload and lack of empathy from their employers. Leaders must look at budget allocations and bifurcate between wellness and burnout prevent