Ceti Alpha 3: A Star Trek Podcast

223 - Borf Buras, Klingon Attorney-At-Law



What if ... K'Ehleyr Lived?Two episodes. That's all it took for the half-Klingon, half-human K'Ehleyr to create a lasting impression to Trek fans. The trio thinks she deserved more - so what if she had survived her fatal encounter with Duras and continued her adventures with Klingon politics? We look at what her appearances in The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine would have looked like ... and how much Alexander would be involved. Suzie Plakson's portrayal of the character lends more depth and limitless possibilities to her potential future storylines. The trio imagines her further involvement with the High Council and the consequences of the Klingon invasion of Cardassia. Does she maintain a romantic relationship with Worf? Or does she find happiness elsewhere? Let us know how she would have faired in later appearances in the Trek franchise.