Ceti Alpha 3: A Star Trek Podcast

273 - Lower Pylons



Deep Space Nine's version of "Star Trek: Lower Decks"As the animated series "Lower Decks" continues its third season, the trio asks: What would be the Deep Space Nine version of a "Lower Decks"-type crew? We've seen examples of the other series in (titled appropriately enough) "Lower Decks" (TNG) and "Good Shepherd" (VOY), but what about everyone's favorite space station? We examine life on the "lower pylons" and what crew would populate the bottom rung of the Starfleet/Bajoran militia-led crew. From errant Ferengi to annoyed ensigns to inter-pylon rivalries, we populate a new DS9 animated series. What hijinx will our crew get up to? Tune into "Lower Pylons"!