Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Your 'Personality Pattern' and Your Health - Is There a Connection?



In this episode of The Autoimmune Hour on Life Interrupted Radio your host, Sharon Sayler looks at health and healing from a different ‘perspective.’ What if your personality held secrets about how you approach health and healing? In this intriguing interview with Eileen Head, founder of Life Equations Consulting Ltd., we explore how to understand yourself at a deeper level through the Enneagram and uncovering your personality perspectives. Eileen also shares “we too often justify our reactions and make the same excuses and mistakes over and over again and wonder why life is not turning out the way we had imagined it would.” We will also uncover:• People have patterns of behaviors that are predictable and recognizable. • How to understand the Enneagram and your path to be your best self.• Understand your stress patterns and what your tendency toward illness is based on your personality. Could it be your personality pattern has something to do with it? Can letting go of patterns that are keeping you stuck and