Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

After an Autoimmune Diagnosis: How To Make It Through and What To Do Next



How am I going to survive? What do I do next? All sort of questions go through your mind the moment a diagnosis of autoimmune enters your world. Many people don’t realize that the minute you are diagnosed with a chronic disease there is a grief process that happens. Our guest for this episode of The Autoimmune Hour Janelle Breese Biagioni, RPC will share with us “How to feel what you need to feel even when you don’t want to feel” plus so much more.  Janelle is a Registered Professional Counselor specializing in grief and loss arising from life-altering events, author, and public speaker.  Janelle will also share with us her five veils of loss and…What to do when you receive shocking news.Why not to let anybody tell you grief is predictable.There are no steps to grief and why the grief process is really a discovery process.How to distinguish the primary and the secondary losses.And even, how to find hope when it seems nonexistent.Listen to the intriguing episode to discover the natural rhythm of grief and so m