Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Could Your ‘Spinning Mind’ Be Keeping You Stuck?



Alan Eisenberg is a certified life, health and wellness coach, and the first certified coach to make his niche in coaching around Bullying and Abuse Recovery joins Sharon Sayler, your host for The Autoimmune Hour. Alan’s background and certified coaching skills make him empathetically able to help his clients regain their self-esteem and find ways to progress their lives forward with strategies and goals. In this episode, Alan and Sharon chat about:How anxiety, (you don’t know and you are worried that…) affects your healing,What is an emotional memory and how do you deal with itWhat to do with the ‘spinning mind’ and twisted thinking styles   How being your authentic self will help you thrive,You can find out more about Alan and his work at and listen to this intriguing interview Friday, October, 13th, 2017 at 7PM ET