Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Is It Time You Reclaimed Your Life?



The Autoimmune Hour welcomes Annie Pool, author of ‘Passport to Life: How I Overcame Incurable Cancer Through the Power of Travel.’ Annie was diagnosed with incurable endometrial cancer in the fall of 2013. Most people choose to see this disease as a physical problem. She knew instinctively, for her, it was an emotional one. In this episode, Annie shows us how to light a ‘fire’ under yourself and take charge of your health and life. Just a few of the intriguing things Annie will share are:How to set your intention on ‘really’ living.The first things to fix as you ‘unravel the threads of your life.’Ways to change trauma to deep gratitude.Steps to overcome fear and self-doubt. And the joys of being a polarity responder.Plus much more….As Annie explored the emotional aspect of her diagnosis, she was tormented by the memories of sexual abuse that took place in her early 20’s. After her recovery, she confronted her abuser—nearly 30 years later and what she discovered was shocking. She came to realize her abuser ha