The Polished Lens

35: Thrive Like CEDAR



What you focus on grows! When the word CEDAR came to my heart, as I looked for how to consolidate my work with home-based individuals and those in one life transition or another, I knew there was more to it than being just a 5 letter word. First I discovered 3 amazing things that makes the Cedar Tree/Wood so special. Then within the name I identified 10 words that have surfaced over the years in my conversations and the work I've done - Clarity, Consistency, Expression of Gifts, Excellence, DISCover & Develop, Authenticity, Accountability, Relevance & Reward. So, it was with so much joy that I announced on my birthday this new initiative by The Polished Lens company, representing its online community and coaching program. On this episode I share how the uniqueness of Cedar will shape how I believe we will support people going forward, to Thrive Like CEDAR.