Yaron Brook Show

Yaron Debates: Is Social Media Censoring Us? a Discussion with Toby Young



In present times, social media are a significant part of our life and of the public sphere. And for this reason, it can be challenging when Facebook or Twitter prevent certain ideas or people from being aired on their platforms.However, while this might be difficult or irksome, the question remains: do such practices constitute censorship, and should the state be involved in addressing it?Are social media companies denying our right to free speech when they discriminate on who they want on their platforms? Or are they exercising their own rights as private entities?Should social media be subject to different laws, because of how big and widely used they are?In this debate, Yaron Brook and Toby Young discuss social media, free speech and censorship.This debate was hosted as a virtual event by the Ayn Rand Centre UK / London Meetup group Ayn rand Global, and the Ayn Rand Institute on December 2, 2020. Like what you hear? Like, share, and subscribe to stay updated on new videos and help promote the Yaron Brook