Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

144: Intent, Purpose, and NO



What is your intent and why is it so important in everything you do? When you ponder intent, you begin to analyze why you do what you do, who benefits, and what's the desired outcome? When intent spills over into purpose, your soul's purpose, how do you deal with hearing NO? It's extremely challenging to except NO from others when it directly relates to your life's purpose. Ashley offers real effective ways for overcoming the fear of rejection and how to move on with your life. Listen and find out what INTENT really stands for.Featuring Harry Shearer, the voice of 21 characters of The Simpsons. Spinal Tap, Saturday Night Live, and Nixon One. Host Ashley Berges, Bill Barnett producer, Eric Moore, Keenan Cobb, and Kimberly Alexander.