Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

How Attachment Styles Affect the way we Talk or Argue with Loved Ones. [Ep.720]



Arguments, we all have had them at some point in our lives. Some arguments may have been more heated than others. The arguments we have with the people we are the closest to are the most challenging. It is easier to argue with a stranger than with someone close to us. The challenge occurs when we try to keep our cool during a heated, emotional argument, with a parent, spouse, or someone very close to us. In today’s podcast, I am going to discuss arguments and how attachment styles relate to the way we argue. I am going to give some suggestions on how to keep cool, keep your stress level down, and how to de-escalate an argument. Take the quiz below to learn what your attachment style is, and watch the video in the link below to learn more about attachment styles.Quiz on attachment styles: styles video link